Looking for Therapy in North Austin?
I work Monday through Friday and have daytime and evening availability. My full fee is $175 an hour, and generally see people on a weekly basis.
If I sound like a good fit for you here’s how you can reach me:
By phone: (512) 498-7542
By email: katie@relational-insight.com
Where to Find Me
I offer therapy in North Austin at an office right off of Mopac. My office address is:
Suite A5
Austin, TX 78759
Good Faith Estimate
Effective January 1, 2022 you have the right to a Good Faith Estimate (GFE). A GFE shows the cost of services that are reasonably expected for your mental health care needs over the course of a year. The estimate is based on information known at the time the estimate is created. The GFE is not a contract and services can be discontinued at any time. The GFE does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment. You may require more sessions depending on your progress. Any changes to the treatment plan will be discussed with the therapist as needed.
If you are a current client and would like to request a GFE, please email me at katie@relational-insight.com. Any changes to the cost of therapy sessions will be discussed in advance.